Masonic Miscellany

I started this site when I saw Anderson's Constitutions discussed on a newsgroup, but couldn't find any sign of them on the Web. Anderson's Contitutions aren't that hard to find anymore, neither are Mackey's Landmarks.

I'm no longer focusing on hard-to-find stuff, because I've been separated from my research library. Now I'm hoping to include something for everyone. At any rate, this is still one of my favorite Masonic web sites.

This site is best viewed with a browser that supports the link tag, especially alternate stylesheets and site navigation. I happen to be using Mozilla.

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Old Masonic Documents - This will include what Mackey referred to as the written law, for example Anderson's Constitutions and Payne's Regulayions, as well as other old Masonic documents.

Landmarks - Mackey's Landmarks as well as Pound's analasys of Mackey's Landmarks.

Catechisms - I've just started to post some "old" catechisms here.

Monitorial - Not everything is private. You can find the working tools, and some other monitorial stuff here.

Masonic Inspiration - At the moment, some works by Carl Claudy. Hopefully more will follow during a subsequent semi-yearly site update.

My Miscellany - My resume (I'm looking for work), bio, recommendations, random thoughts and other stuff.

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